The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Window Films

Window films are used to block heat and UV rays streaming in from the sun, and are designed to improve insulation, lower energy bills, and provide UV protection, all while conforming to the building's aesthetic. Window films are commonly found in businesses and office buildings, and provide a number of benefits to the building that they are installed on.

Knowing the advantages of window films makes it easier to decide if they are the right fit for your place of business:

Advantages of Window Films

Insulation: They provide a barrier between the interior of a business and the outside, blocking out sunlight and heat that keeps the building cool in hot summer months and reduces the amount of energy needed for air conditioning. 

Privacy: Additionally, window films are usually tinted, which provides a degree of constant privacy while still allowing natural light into the room. Tinted window films will also block out UV rays, which can be a health concern, causing sunburns and skin damage over time.

Condensation Reduction: Window films also reduce the amount of condensation that develops on your windows, because it reduces the difference between day and nighttime temperatures. This is especially important for windows with wood frames, which can rot if they are exposed to water for an extended period of time.

Safety: They also provide safer work environment. In the event of a window shattering or cracking, the window film's adhesive will keep the shards together until they can be properly removed, which reduces the likelihood of an injury.

Price and Ease of Installation: Window films can be installed as quickly as a weekend, which cuts down significantly on labour costs when compared to installing tinted glass. The low cost of materials and installation means that window films are a viable option for any business, no matter the budget.


While window films provide a wide range of benefits to the building that they are installed on, a number of considerations should be taken into account.

Climate: First of all, window films can have the opposite effect in wintertime, keeping out the weaker winter sun and preventing natural light from heating up the building. As a result, more energy will have to be spent heating the building. However, this is only a real concern in areas that receive very little sunlight in the winter.

Nighttime Privacy: Additionally, window films are not as effective at providing privacy at nighttime, if lights inside are on. This will allow people to see inside the windows.

To learn more, contact a company like Alberta Tinting & Graphic Services with any questions or concerns you have.
