Dealing With An Unsightly Stump In Your Yard? Put It To Beautiful Use!

Lightening, wind, insect damage or just age can instantly transform a stately, much-loved tree into a pile of firewood and a massive, ugly stump. Your first thought may be to remove the stump and replant a new sapling. However, stump removal can be expensive and replacing the original tree with a new one can take years of growth before it becomes large enough to provide shade. If you are currently facing this situation and wondering what to do, consider using the following directions to transform your ugly stump into a beautiful, useful addition to your landscaping. 

Use Light and Reflection to Turn Your Ugly Stump Into a Lovely Focal Point

If the stump is located in an area of your yard that could use some brightening up, consider using light and reflection to turn it into an attractive focal point. To do this, you will need to purchase one or more solar powered lamps and a reflective glass or stainless steel gazing ball from a local garden center or home improvement store. You will also need a cordless drill, a screwdriver and approximately 4 to 6 wood screws (per solar lamp), that are 3 to 4 inches in length, a container of glue that will adhere to both wood and the surface of the gazing ball, and a length of sturdy, but flexible wire, approximately 3 feet long (per solar lamp). 

When you have gathered your supplies:

  • choose the side of the stump's trunk where you would like to install the solar yard lamp or lamps
  • for each lamp, use the tip of the screwdriver to pry away the bark where the post of the lamp will be installed
  • affix the post of the lamp to the trunk by inserting two or more of the wood screws along each side of the debarked area, leaving just enough space for the lamp post to fit snugly between them
  • insert the lamp post and use the wire to string over the lamp post and weave back and forth, twisting around each screw to form a lattice-like design that will hold the post firmly in place 
  • install the lamp on its post 
  • use the wood glue to install the gazing ball in the center or the stump, and let dry thoroughly 

Ask your local landscaping expert for more info and to help you choose and plant flowers, vines and green plants at the base of the tree, and ask him to add a thick layer of mulch around to hold moisture in, reduce weeds and make mowing easy. As the vines grow, train them to travel up the stump and surround the gazing ball and the solar lamps so that your ugly old stump is transformed into an appealing, artful focal point that will add light, reflection and visual interest to your yard for years to come.
